
Sunday, March 25, 2012

The Missing Link: Event Logistics Security
It seems all CEO’s and COO’s are focused on the competitions (front of house) aspect of an event and never on the logistics (back of house) aspect.  Perhaps understandably so, as that is what is seen by all the spectators, beamed to millions of TV viewers worldwide and where the sponsors receive their exposure.  We understand: That is where the action takes place.

EventPRO_Event LogisticsHowever, if the athletes’ / teams’ equipment does not reach the venue on time (or at all), or sponsor and merchandise products run out, Automatic Cash Machines (ATM) run dry or VIP’s, volunteers or spectators fall victim to food poisoning, it possesses the possibility of spoiling the whole event experience and tarnishing the image of the event brand and a nation’s reputation, not to mention the impact on sponsors. The sheer value of event assets alone (including sponsor goods / Value In Kind) is huge and logically warrants the necessary security precautions to be taken. The loss of lives however is tragic and cannot be quantified.

It certainly allows the media to have a field day with such juicy news, spreading negative media far and wide detracting the attention from the gold medal or action-packed match that took place that day.

The Event Logistics Security landscape
Event Logistics is in essence the GLUE of the event. It allows the event to happen as planned (smooth and safe). It is not to be under-estimated or left too late.

Just as importantly, the security requirements of event logistics should not be forgotten. It is time for event Organising Committees to understand that no event security concept is complete without the (comprehensive and integrated) Event Logistics Security component!

EventPRO_Event LogisticsOrganizing Committees must bear in mind that there are always certain event-related statutory safety and security requirements that have to be adhered to.  The implications of this should be clearly indicated during the initial bidding and eventual operational planning of the awarded event, so as to ensure adequate organizational / functional planning and budget!

Obviously all Organizing Committees experience challenges at some time. Some are detected during a test event, whilst others are only detected just prior to or during the actual main event.  The media rarely gets wind of these challenges, as the Organizing Committees and their Main Operations Centre are clearly very adept at addressing them and to bring them under control.

EventPRO_Event LogisticsInevitably though, Event Logistics Security rarely features high on the agenda and is generally poorly addressed.  In most cases Organizing Committees assume it is mainly the responsibility of the law enforcement agencies to address the majority of the Event Logistics security requirements. 

This is incorrect.  Law enforcement agencies are there to address statutory obligations (undesired persons database, crowd management, saturated policing / crime prevention, key point security such as airports, etc), whilst the Organizing Committee’s responsibility is to address all event-related security matters through private security services.

Even where the law enforcement agencies are responsible, the Organizing Committee must ensure that the event logistics security requirements are identified and communicated to them.  The critical aspect here is that INTEGRATED PLANNING is required. As early and pro-actively as possible.

All too often the law enforcement agencies and the Logistics Department work in silos and, if they do actually realize that they need to integrate their operations, it usually happens too late as operational plans are approved, budgets closed and there is insufficient time to successfully consult, confirm and communicate with each other’s structures down to ground level where the operations are executed. This makes one wonder how much success with regards to event logistics security is due to preparedness, and how much is due to luck.

Key stakeholders that need to integrate their Event logistics Security planning are as follows:

- Event Logistics Department (who coordinate the Organizing Committee logistics requirements)
- Security Department
- Law enforcement agencies
- Host Cities
- Venue owners / managers

There are a myriad of Event Logistics Security aspects to bear in mind, some of which are listed below:

HAZMAT protocols (a simple, yet vital example is the planning and management of fuel for generators and operating equipment at venues)
Food security (all catering required for spectators, VIP’s, athletes, workforce and volunteers)
Athlete’s / team’s equipment (securing of vehicles, escort duties, tracking devices and scheduling)
- Adherence to tight load-in schedules, especially during the last 36 hours before lockdown (flexible and effective delivery scheduling system, well organized Multi-Screening Facility )
Waste management and security screening
Cash-in-transit management (mainly money for the ATM’s and vendors sales)

This topic is vast and cannot be addressed in one article.  So let us ask the most critical questions to get a grip on it.

What are the BENEFITS of employing a sound Event Logistics Security strategy?

- A comprehensive and integrated security plan
- Reduced risk
- Effective contingency planning
- Assist in prevention of deaths and injuries of a criminal nature
- Reduced costs (prevent last minute overlay costs, losses, damages, efficient Legacy Logistics, sound asset management, etc)
- Quality Logistics- and Security site planning / overlay
- Ensure Logistics and Security requirements are adequately budgeted for early in the budgeting process
- Adherence to load-in schedule
- Prevent negative media coverage
- Peace of mind

What are the CRITICAL SUCCESS FACTORS to ensure a successful Event Logistics Security strategy?

Consult and confirm pro-actively with all stakeholders in order to craft a quality strategy
- An empowered team (inclusive of training, overlay, resources, standard protocols and integrated approach)
Technological support (Master Delivery System, vehicle tracking system, mobile technology, asset management system, warehouse management system – especially if they are all integrated! Additional security equipment would include cargo X-ray machines, under vehicle surveillance system and vehicle X-ray scanner)
- Develop and manage a sound communications strategy to assist with implementation (inclusive of training, testing, project deadlines, reminders and sharing key information)

So what’s at stake?

- Lives
- Brand value
- A nation’s pride
- Personal reputation

What is the quality of YOUR Event Logistics Security plan?
In order to assess the quality of your Event Logistics Security plan, ask yourself the following basic questions:

1. How often / well /pro-actively has your Event Logistics Department jointly planned and integrated event logistics security requirements with law enforcement agencies?

2. Will your Event Logistics Department have a presence at the Multi-screening Facility with law enforcement agencies?

3. How effective is your Event Logistics delivery scheduling system (inclusive of delivery scheduling, delivery accreditation and delivery screening)?

Are you satisfied with YOUR Event Logistics Security strategy?

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